Sunday, November 14, 2010

Well, I've had a couple of really down days, which is not to be unexpected. It's quite odd how insane heaters always tend to be followed by insane coolers and vice versa. It's a really tilting aspect of STT poker.

I hit a milestone today: 1000 tournaments played. I'm happy to say that I still (barely) have a positive expectation.

I have an idea that I'm still getting quite a bit more bad luck than good, but we won't know until 3500 tournments in.

Beginning 11/13 bankroll: $1127
End 11/14 bankroll $843
Net: -$284
Two day FPP earned / cash value: 594 / $9.50
Total FPP accrued / cash value: 4884.31 / $78.14
Current Status (Multiplier): Silverstar (1.5)
Total tourneys played: 1010
Average buyin: $7.83
Total amount invested: $7904
Total profit earned: $147.90
ROI: 1.90%

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