Sunday, November 07, 2010

This was composed yesterday... (Saturday November 6th)

It's 8:43am on a Saturday morning, and I'm waiting outside of a scene
shop to attend an excruciating 7 hour work seminar.

My day job is difficult to explain so that people remember exactly
what I do, for some reason. I work for United Scenic Artists and
represent theatrical designers and scenic artists in negotiating
contracts on their behalf, and also process their benefits. Basically,
it's an office job. I've been there for ten years, and now they are
grooming me for my boss' job. This means an increase in annoying work - the kind of stuff that makes any wanna-be-invisible office minion groan, such as showing up on a Saturday morning to do 7 hours of health and safety training.

I sincerely hope that this will be the last one of these I ever have
to attend. They are held once every three years, and I have other
plans for 2013...

On the poker front, I ran just about as bad as possible Friday. The good news is that 90% of it was due to bad luck, ie getting cracked while being all-in and dominating my opponent. I had kings cracked by tens, I had ak lose to two unders twice in a row, i got set over setted, couldn't win a mathematically sound push to burst the bubble to save my life. For those that don't understand lingo yet, that last comment means that I finished 3rd place in the tournament (top 2 are the only ones to get paid) like 6-7 times out of 24.

The great news is that I never went on tilt, and that my bankroll is
allegedly protected by having enough backup to withstand the variance.
Still there's nothing quite like a little -$300 (24 buyins!) swing to make you
think a bit. Luckily, I brought it back up towards the end and I'm back to
about $820. I have Saturday off as I do this glorious minion-groaning training. We will
see what Sunday holds...

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