Thursday, December 09, 2010

On Tuesday afternoon, I had YET ANOTHER disappointing set at $13s and wound up down about $60. I was left floating exactly $25 above my mendoza line of $520. As you can probably imagine, it's getting to the point where I am beyond frustrated at this level, and occasionally, in order to shake anything loose, you have to go outside the boundaries of rational, orthodox thinking and engage in what we will lovingly refer to as a SLUMPBUSTER.

For those not privy to MLB clubhouse protocol, a SLUMPBUSTER is a term baseball players often throw around. If you're in the midst of a particularly bad run, say batting .160 for the month of June, teammates will often encourage you to engage in this activity. Essentially, it literally implies going out to the nearest bar, picking up the worst looking girl at said bar, and taking her home for some after hours activity.

To be clear, I did not literally engage in this particular activity. However, I did do something similarly irrational. I took my remaining above-mendoza money and fired up a single $25 tourney.

And hilariously, I won it.

I think I'm going to avoid $25s for a while, simply because the ability to boast a 264% ROI at a level isn't something you're able to enjoy very often.

Later on that evening, I ran the rest of the day's cache up to $7 below overall break even. The last two days, because of an insane work schedule, I've been unable to play very much, and naturally, I have NOT been able to break through, slipping back instead at the $13s to down $68. This is becoming almost comical. I'm down nearly 35 buyins at $13s and up everywhere else across the board. What exactly is this shit?

I'll post stats later. One of these days I'll be in green numbers again...

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